Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kau Yai Trip (national park)(click)

Four days in the wild...

The cold shower in the wooden villa... the fire place with planks of woods...warming the hearts and souls...

They always circle around the fire, sharing experience , learning from activities, teaching, giving advice.

Being in a group allows me to know the boys better. We made masks ,coloring, cooking, playing football..cheering (in thai)

The deepest impressions from the camp:

-Groups were to perform how Thai peole are easily contented with their lives..even if they are poor. Group A: they sell rice for their neighbours without earning profit, as they just wanted them to have food for the day; Group B: Teacher teaching the kids to save money for their future; Group C: the important five things: Rice, Fish, Veges, Chicken and ( i don't remember) in their lives that they won't live without

- during the performace, they always have Fight scenes. I asked why they had to show it, then I was told that almost all the boys come from difficult backgroud: with family in prison, surviving the streets, its who they are and what they are accustomed to. They always joke about thai boxing, just like we joke about masak-masak.

- no one, i mean NO ONE is afraid of the BUGS. One boy ties a small string on a grasshopper and many have a little pet of their own for the four days. They set them free just before we left.

- There was a ceremony of blessing on the first night. The adults ( including me ) will tie white strings on their wrist. I don't understand before that, and many boys just ran to me and asked for more than two strings. Some said five. Apparently the string represents happiness.

- The last dinner from the trip was supposed to be meaningful. But my group accidently got off control and got into a food-fight. Me and the other facilitator were out of veges. He got angry and left the group. The next morning, a plate of rice full of veges and meat is prepared next to him.

- One boy called me "Mommy" . I thought it was illusion, until he repeated it for the second time.

- Two boys sharing one pair of snickers in the football game.

- Bird, an authistic boy can actually called out the scent of the mosquito repellent on me."Lemon grass", he said.

- the mood swings all boys have . They can be extremely happy and then suddenly sad.

- The praying ceremony to end the nights. They are always thankful to what they have been through the day. both Happy and sad.

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