Three little pigs went out one day, shaking their tails and wiggle their body...
It's Christmas and they took their Santa Cap and snap some Shots!
Deborah and Mike have been mentioning Sister Joan’s big venture before, but only after a month I met her.
Trust me, you will be impressed the moment you see her in her big pick up truck. She is 75 and she is still driving around the slums with big bags of Milk powder behind.
7.30 am, the parking lot of Rong Mo Slums was filled with a long line, waiting for Sister Joan. The new born babies were comfortably sleeping on their mother’s arm. She gives away milk every two weeks for many years now, and not a day without a new born baby.
It was depressing for me to see very young mothers, some of the age of 14 and 15. Everyone has their own story, heartbreaking sometimes. Imagine the load of drama sister Joan receive every fortnight, when they fail to present the birth certs, or Father’s ID. Some fail to show who the Mom is!
Behind this Milk Powder giving, it is the unknown destiny of the child, a generation yet another generation of uneducated young mothers, possibilities of human trafficking, raping cases, taking and selling the free products. There is a whole lot of way to take advantage of Sister Joan’s big heart. That is why they have a card system, where they stamp the card whenever one takes the opened milk powder( prevent them from reselling) and support each child for only 12 months. Also they have to show both real copies of the parent’s ID cards, and the baby’s birth cert. One ridiculous case of the day was when a mother claimed that the hospital would not issue a birth cert to the baby because the fees were not paid!
After a long day of giving out cards, stamping, registering, and playing with the babies, I went to shop with Sister Joan for stocks. She has an explicit humor to deal with the problems; everything seems so easy for her! I couldn’t help but only to respect what she is doing! She knows she can’t do anything about her short term memory now so she has her way to tease herself! We came back and forth to her house twice to get her keys, car keys and lastly we arrived Carrefour without her mobile phone!:P
When I asked about the situation in the slum, “Education,” She blurted out. The truth is well known. The people need to be educated, but how? Education as we learnt in economics is a long term process, and people are unlikely to see the effect right away. People have to fill their stomach EVERYDAY, and also feed their children. The fastest way what more than to steal or selling themselves, or even the children? That is why someone has to come in to support a little, push them a little bit, and hopefully one day they will realize that it is not the way to live.
Why the young mothers? Besides the criminal cases, actually it is the grandmothers who want their daughter to have child! When you see the word grandmother, are you thinking of grey hair, aged, old women? You see, these grandmothers are only in their mid 30s and early 40s, they have not been taking care of their daughter because in a similar pattern, the daughter has to go out and work for the baby, leaving the babies to their aunt or grandma. So when they are mature enough, they wanted a baby, to do it one more time, in a different way.
If I want it a different way, I will try to stop the cycle. It is the circle of life we are talking about. Hmmm…
Also, Petrol price inflation…price of one bottle of cooking oil has increased almost 40%, adding to people’s everyday problems. One shift of the Price in the Economics supply and demand chart, yupe, I am seeing the consequences here.
Jewish Percussionist Mr. Asaf Roth arrived together with famous female singer Min, to tell a story to the children. “Peter and The Wolf” a fable that is known to the world, may sometimes remain anonymous to the children here. Mr. Asaf would like to be the first one to expose the story to the young audience with his expertise in Marimba.
Lucky enough, I stayed with them together with the Israeli Ambassador and his staffs before the show started. “High So”, the Thai way to refer to High Society was what I felt from my conversation with them. Well of course, the functions they had been in were grand enough to accommodate these famous people, hotels, entrepreneurs gathering, huge performing hall, yet music and arts should really spread to every corner of the society! Glad that there was this connection between the Israeli Embassy and HDF, Mr. Asaf was able to perform in our little garden oppose to anywhere he has been in the four days of his stay in Bangkok.
It was a wonderful performance, besides the Mosquitoes snapping game in the garden, the children managed to concentrate and “sucked into” the imaginary world of Marimba. Each character from the story was represented into a specific tune. Birds, Peter, Wolf, Father, duck where composed into little tunes that were easy to be identified by the children, alongside with Min’s cheerful narration of the story.
Being a percussionist myself, I was most drawn with Mr. Asaf's ability to attract the audience with only a whistle. The climax of the night is when all the children stood up on the stool, jumped around and danced along with his whistle. Of course that took quite a bit of warming up.
The Israeli TV crew came to report this event. Many other Israeli musicians and Israelis who live in
Then, it was Thanksgiving!
Satisfying enough, I was invited to Father Joe’s house for a real American Style Thanksgiving dinner. eat as much as I do! First western meal after a long time, together with white wine
and my favourite Strawberry, how can I complain?
The day was noted one of the most significant day after I met with Sister Joan. She lives in the slums and deals with the people’s everyday life problems. One of them is to support young mommies from the slum with Milk Powder. Immediately, I agreed to join her ‘Milk day’ the very next day.
Having heard so much about thai massages and how the Farongs (foreigner) love them, I decided to spend 250 baht ( RM 25, 50 kroners, 8 dollars…) on a full body massage. Deb and Mike brought me to their regulars, where it is next to a cozy bar.
I could hear the songs from the bar in the private room of the Massage centre. It was totally overrated, as I came back with a pain on my spine, not to mention how clumsy I was in following instruction in their Thai-accent-English. Then again, I do got the sense of satisfaction after hearing some ‘Clag and clug’ as she twist my waist and arms.
As I am about to leave, Deb and Mike told me that the lady who serves you will stand right at the front door. I asked “For what?” “Oh, for the tips!” So another unspoken rules over here, and I am telling you guys.
I followed them, paying 50 baht to our lady. Heartache.
I am lucky enough to have been to the real
One boat after another passed by or stopped to carry their ‘good’s with a ‘fishing net’ to the customers by the deck. From teh tarik to Kuey Teow, pop corns (an exceptional item that is thrown), the floating market sellers busy cooking on their wooden boat, making the sell of the day.
I thought I am proud of the varieties of the food that I have tried in
Looking at the Chinese Thais, more questions came about: How could they remain their traditions and food but not their mother tongue? As the worst hokkien speaker, people are still pretty amazed I could understand ” ku di gor “ “Jiak ba beh?”