Thursday, May 1, 2008

"I am not a perfect person... "there goes my ringtone(click)

I am not a perfect person...there's many things I wish I never do....
Since high school graduation, this song has embedded in my head, reminding me how fragile is human and they will never be perfect. We are facing a journey in a place that is called "society" and that place is never as beautiful as high school's life.

Thinking back the stories I have heard and experienced the past few days, there is no reason for me to be sad about life, but celebrate every moment, every mistakes, every conflict that I am facing...

My dear friend Ju liang, is still facing the task that is given by God and looking forward to life after his winding road ( . Ever since meeting him last August, I have always prayed for his recovery from a sickness that rarely hit a teenage like him. I lost touch for a moment when I didn't receive reply from him via SMS during his 21st birthday, which is on the same day as my sister, only to find out that he is receiving treatment in Singapore . What a relief!

My blind little friend, Nong Pae, has started school in a school for blind. For one month, I have missed seeing her walking around with her wheel supporter in Mercy 6. As I finally approached her last Wednesday, I was really worried that she might not remember me.

"Nong Pae, do you remember me? How are you?"

Two minutes passed by, and finally, I found a grin from her sleepy face. She continued to be so happy and elated, and she showed me skills that she could finally do by her own. She could get up and get down from her bed by herself, eat her meal by herself, touch the right part of body as we say it and is all excited for her new school !

I met two new friends from the AID hospice too. One was a he, she now calls herself Nancy, an outgoing person who loves to meet people from different culture. His arrival in the ward is what connects the volunteers to all other patients. Through her, we see other patients as individual and friends that we will be starting to care in the future. Ma ma, on the other hand, is a 51-year-old women who is a hard worker her whole life. From nail pedicure to sewing and making up for the opera performers, she raised her 32-year-old son independently. Who would thought her partner of 7 years was cheating her and gave her the virus?

Congratulations to my dear cousin Ian, who got a full scholarship to Singapore, and my dear sister , who is preparing for Canada!

Jealousy, insecurity, disrespectful, culturaly justifiable attitudes, Please leave me alone!

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