Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Disasterous Phuket(Click)

Who will believe that the fantasy Phuket trip has contribute to the worst case scenario that I would never imagine?

Headache, Dhirea, Fever all came to me at once, pounding through every inch of my skin. My god! Food Poisoning!

Must be the Seafood, must be the water I drank, must be the street vendor's pancake, must be the crabs, must be I have accidentally kill a crab! Must be.......

Only glimpse of the white sandy beach, clear blue sky, my journey was focusing on the sea gypsy kids and the other students from different high school from around Phuket, where some of them experienced the devastated Tsunami four years ago.

It was a top choice for travelers, royalties, celebrities, but its huge tourism didn't really help the kids in Phuket to go to school, access to education, learn to write or read. The Government once declared that Thailand has gotten 96% of the population out of illiteracy. What a joke! the Chief of Kids sponsorship said.

Besides having workshop for them, sponsoring their education, one of the big upcoming projects is to have the sea gypsies come to Bangkok and live in Mercy Centre. Learn English! Father Joe announced it boldly.

To explain the term Sea gypsy. First , its nothing like the Gypsies we understand from the European culture and the fortune tellers. They are the ones who live in the sea more than land, to sail, to fish, to work for a living. The elders will always be out in the sea, leaving the young kids at home, no where to go, no school to attend, know nothing about the big world beyond the sea.

So, what a huge task it is to bring them out from their HOME!! They should go to school, they should start read and write!

So, once again this challenge has fall into the hands of Mercy, and onto the fellow volunteers. Teaching these slums kids are already challenging, what more than sea gypsy kids?
Let set a limit bar?? What is good enough for us to celebrate after that?

"Imagine, a sea gypsy kid going abroad, learning English and other culture..."

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