Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's okay....

We always start our drumming rehearsals by grading our day from 1-10. Usually I would be around 8,9 since I am generally a happy person. My music director, Hafiz, already doing what he's doing for more than 20 years...always comes in with a big smile and chuckles in between conversations.

While everybody is busy grading their day....I am still frustrated with the lost luggage...Hafiz suddenly said: "Just one and a half weeks ago, I realized, It's okay when something is not always right..I don't feel the need to stress on everything I do. I don't push it anymore. It's okay to slow down, sit back and see how things go"

He is having thoughts of retirement too. A master drummer like him, who has drum ever since he was 7, starts to look for other things in life to inspire him. He even started to learn Chinese QI GONG, hoping to bring his drumming skills further....

Back to the fast pace life in Dartmouth, when you run between places and only catch up with friends for 40 minutes during meal time, I am determined to instill this philosophy into my head: " It's okay, I still haven't find my luggage...It's okay, sometimes I couldn't finish my reading...It's okay, when people disappoints me,..It's okay when somebody says no to me...It's okay......"

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