Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am writing to tell you about.......

Dear Family and Friends,

If you think I am ignoring you these days....that's probably TRUE!!

For the first time, I am taking up leadership roles in the College, Organizing big concerts and events for the Dartmouth Community!

Besides the on going process to figuring out my major and future profession, I am also:

1) Organizing an upcoming Winter Ball for the ISA(International Students' Association)
-- Just got elected for this term's Vice President- Social, so that's basically my job scope. On top of that, we wish to implement our collected Dartmouth effort to help Haiti in their post Earthquake trauma. Therefore, I have lots of email flying all over the place.

2) World Percussion Music Ensemble Concert
-- I am bringing lots of songs that I have been played in my high school Oriental Music Orchestra and try to implement it to this year's concert. Hopefully we could do some Asia/Africa Remix!!! Some of the songs selection includes the forever famous " Matsuri" by Kitaro and " Mukala-Mukala" by A R Rahman!
-- Since I am unable to read music notes, I have to literally translate the Numbering system from the Chinese Music Notes to Christina, who will write it into the western music notes for the rest of the Members...then have to find alternative instruments to replace the Chinese intruments....Ahhh......Why didn't I learn piano when I was younger/??

3) Tried to join Sorority but it didn't work out...But I think its for the best, considering so little time I have ..hahhaa

4) Of course all the class readings...this year am taking Human Geography, International Politics and Drawing 1

But I can't describe everything in details guys, I have to read for my Midterm Exam next week, and cook dinner!! Ciaoz....
But even if I have been ignoring you, I still love you!!:P

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's okay....

We always start our drumming rehearsals by grading our day from 1-10. Usually I would be around 8,9 since I am generally a happy person. My music director, Hafiz, already doing what he's doing for more than 20 years...always comes in with a big smile and chuckles in between conversations.

While everybody is busy grading their day....I am still frustrated with the lost luggage...Hafiz suddenly said: "Just one and a half weeks ago, I realized, It's okay when something is not always right..I don't feel the need to stress on everything I do. I don't push it anymore. It's okay to slow down, sit back and see how things go"

He is having thoughts of retirement too. A master drummer like him, who has drum ever since he was 7, starts to look for other things in life to inspire him. He even started to learn Chinese QI GONG, hoping to bring his drumming skills further....

Back to the fast pace life in Dartmouth, when you run between places and only catch up with friends for 40 minutes during meal time, I am determined to instill this philosophy into my head: " It's okay, I still haven't find my luggage...It's okay, sometimes I couldn't finish my reading...It's okay, when people disappoints me,..It's okay when somebody says no to me...It's okay......"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Boston Flight got canceled!

My Boston Flight got canceled!
Thanks to the strict security measurement due to a fail terrorist attack last week, everything is chaotic in the airports, at least in the US. Everybody’s luggage and body have to be manually search by officers before boarding on the plane, hence all the delays and cancelling of flight. The flight from Barcelona to JFK was 25th in line before landing, and we were just circling the New York sky for almost 30 minutes just to wait for available lanes (Can you picture airplanes lining up in the sky?? Haha).

So after the customs, I have to collect my luggage and then drop them off again. Everything is so redundant, and I have to walk to the other end of the airport just to find out my flight was canceled. Heard it was due to snowstorm too.

Yeah, you can sense my rambling tone, because I am: I have 20 more minutes before boarding to the next Boston flight, and then I am bound to miss my last bus to Dartmouth. So I have to find buses from other companies after collecting my luggage. Which means I have to first get myself to the bus station before searching for a new bus schedule, which will most likely be at midnight. So all in all, I have travelled for more than 1000 miles starting at 8 am in Barcelona, 9 30 am check-in, delayed flight left 2 hours later than scheduled time at 12 30pm, arriving 9 hours later at JFK, 3 hours delayed +1.5 hrs to Boston , 2hrs waiting for next bus + 2.5 hours to final destination aka Dartmouth, which I still have no key to my new room. TOTAL TRAVEL TIME= 22 HOURS!!! (excluding last night’s 10 hours traveling from Nairobi to Barcelona)

No stories about my vacation until my hyper self returns!