Monday, October 26, 2009

Virus virus Virus!!!

So we, the LSA-ers are lucky enough to have a week plus of holiday, but so what??
Most of us are screwed with the aftermath of sickness:flu, cold, dirrhae ....

It started off well on last thursday, when we took the High velocity train (AVE) from Barcelona to Madrid. Took us only slightly more than 2.5 hours. The hotel we live in, Opera hotel was excellent, with good meals and strategic location at the center of Madrid. Still can´t believe that we are paid by Dartmouth just to visit the two important Museums in Madrid: Prado and Reina Sofia.

I think i fell in love with Valazquez, the pioneer artist in Spain whose master piece ¨the Meninas¨is Prado´s proudest asset. His modern idea of mixing reality and illusion, with different levels of space and light tells a story of his own, which still amazes today´s spectators.

On Saturday, we were ´released´to be on our own. Most of us chose to explore around Spain, near from Segovia and Toledo and far towards the south of Spain, the Andalusia state which important cities are Cordoba, Sevilla, Granada....

However, my travelling mate, Ana, started to show signs of uncomfort, our day started out slower as plan, and we headed to her hosts´apartment. Turns out she has high fever and suspected swine flu case.

Sunday, I decided to travel around Toledo, Spain´s old capital by myself. I forgot my camera, which was a pity. But lucky enough to have found travelmates upon arrival. There were a group of Thai stewards and stewardess and they are kind enough to help me take some photo.
Toledo is spectacular with the old castle, long river, cathedral and the theme color of badge that fill up the whole city. However, my nightmare also began here when we decided to order their local specialty: pork, veal, jamon....

The mixture of meat and the exotic way of preparing the dishes might have caused my stomach ache. I ended up have a dirrhae the very next day when I was supposed to travel south to Cordoba, the city where Mosque is built inside Cathedral... I am still contemplating whether I should take a midnight bus today to go to Cordoba and spend a day there before coming back to Madrid the very same evening...

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