Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tears and Excitement (click)

That is how I would describe yesterday.
I watched the speech at midnight given by Obama, and saw how my friends in Dartmouth reacted to his speech.

Obama really does move people. All of my friends kept nodding and Oprah is crying amongst the crowd while he spoke about change and . It was really phenomenal.

Later the next day, my writing professor cancel our class about the 'Gospels' and just solely talk about the elections that made history. It brings the people together again, but this time is not through tragedy but National Joy. People are ready to work with their leader instead of cynical towards the powerful authorities . Race is still an issue, but now at least there's no longer segregation and that Race is part of the judgment of choosing a leader.

Then in the evening, I had the most interesting conversation with my floormate, who is born in California , raised in a typical Taiwanese family. I confessed to her that I was more nervous talking to her than to other international students because even though we are both chinese, we are born in completely different environment. That really determines whether we clique or not as "chinese" or whether we should find another things to connect both of us.

I guess I have to be openminded not only to people from other culture, but also with people from the same culture. though we hold expectations to one another because we assumed we are taught the same value systems and family values, there are always surprises how things turn out influenced by other factor than our race.

That just means that we are required to talk evenmore to work things out!! yeaah....i love to talk ( sacarsm)

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