Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Hurry Day from ss2 to Bangkok(click)

I didn't desribe in detail how I got to Bangkok on the New Year's Eve.

I woke up rushing to SS2, which is a half an hour away from home. I met with high school friends whom I haven't see in ages, some more than two years! It was fun eating toasted bread and Nasi Lemak, chatting with them about now and then.
I even brought my newly edited photo album, which I boasted I have been working 48 hours non-stop for the album!

Now that friends from Malaysia are scattered from Australia, to Malaysia, to England, it is already miracle that we could manage to find almost ten high school's buddies!

Then, I rushed back home for my last minute packing, and to bus interchange station. ( Yeap, my parents no longer worry about me going abroad) I took an hour and a half to reach the airport by bus and off I went!!

I didn't imagine the night blue sky of Kuala Lumpur can be that beautiful as well!! People always think that " the Moon looks better on the other side of the world" ?:P

Lucky me, I have an aunt to go to right after I arrived. The taxi driver was asking me whether I am going to count down, but staying at my Aunt's is way better than Count Down!! The view from their window oversees the horizon of Bangkok and the fireworks shot up at the same instance from different spot in the city!!!

picture 4: My aunt's home cook food!Yummy!!!:P

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