Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have a friend who's in the soccer team , they travel almost weekly in plane to compete with other universities.
Free plane rides...whoa...

one of the benefit of having a 'good' job is also the free business trips you can get from your company.....

but after my more then 28 hours straight flights, I am not so sure I am up for plane trips anymore. Sleeping in the plane can kill time, but it makes me more tired.
With luck, you might get two seats for yourself because nobody's next to you. But if not....its just pure cramming.

Ahhhhh...two more hours till the FINAL touch down.

Welcome home, myself.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have no time to document my encounter with deaths. Some deaths feel "nearer" to me than others.

A couple of weeks ago, a prof from Art History dept died of breast cancer. She was 40. I saw her death has impacted many people near me: My current art prof burst out in tears infront of her students in class; my research prof ( who's probably around the same age with her) couldn't really focus on work even though she doesn't know her;I might have taken her class at some point, people said she's brilliant, but most of all, I just found out that she's the wife of my art grant advisor. He has never mentioned it to me, the whole time we were speaking, god must know how hard he has been through everyday.

A primary school teacher just died yesterday. She taught me public speaking. She's always approachable during my visits after graduation. She's my sis's classmate's mom. She's my teachers' colleagues. I talked to her a lot when I was 12 years old in school.

Miraculously, I dreamt of my dear friend who died a couple of years ago of cancer. He was still so warm and friendly in my dream.


Mounting pressure from all directions

Like nobody's business..
Have just been hiding trying to keep my pressure cooker from exploding
All subjects have paper due sometime sunday or later but I would not be able to do it on the plane so basically I have to finish it prior.
Am anticipating a reverse culture shock when I go home: language , conversation , culture, food , means of entertainment
Super excited but super worried
Bought tons of valuables and am worried of custom , luggage
Have been rambling about all these to ppl...so I hope ppl don't feel I am too much!
Now back to my papers!