Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What I did on Monday 8 am to 10 pm (click for photos)

We literally move 6 boats from main road to the lake, built 3 platforms on 6 boats, move all the instruments onto the platform, moved other instruments to three other spots facing the lake, Assisted the performance by playing the thunder sheets, took the boats to the shore, took of the platform, load the boats to the truck and load all the instruments back. Unforgettable group effort and spirits to make music happen.

Check out this video of the performance from 4 45pm to 6 15 pm. ( less than 2 hours is the actual performance!!) and New York Times' review...look out for me among the bushes when u click on 'slideshow' lol....


persephassa on the lake from liubo on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


literally flowed out from my eyes, ears, nose in various color.

I am not trying to disgust you, but its true, I don' t know what is wrong with me.

I am experiencing so-throat, bleeding both my nose and ear, and red eyes.

I guess its the stress-- well, I don't really stress about work.

I guess I don't drink enough water-- maybe, because there isn't enough warm water and I don't feel like drinking cold water all the time.

Well that's my physical condition.

Not too serious to be worrying yet.

Then again, do I really wanna tell you what's in my head, in my heart?

A term's ending is another beginning. There are so many unknown in front of me. I couldn't think beyond June. All I know is , I am going to be in New York, with a friend who's willing to host me, with a job, which I am yet to know what is it about.

I wanted to explore my artistic instinct, whether I am fit for the artsy world, whether I am choosing the right thing on campus, whether I am spending my time wisely. Whether I am learning, and making myself happy and useful everyday.

At the same time, I will be missing a good company. Someone whom I have spent most of my Dartmouth with. I don't want to think about it yet, but its coming. Oh life, why can't it be any easier?