Monday, July 27, 2009

Fond Memories

What I used to do:

#1-- attending Chinese Orchestra Practices : contributing my "strength" in banging those big drums and timpani, admiring how well we played at several instances ( now listening to the CD my teacher lend me), always guessing our standards and how far we are in National level...hahhaa

#2-- way of Shopping : trying to remember everything I see in one day before buying them, after window shopping, too tired to go back to the place where my noted items lies, go home empty handed, satisfied for not spending money ...( :-D)

#3-- talking Celeb : never miss any entertainment programs from Astro, waiting for that moment where the MC pairs up the most-talk-about couples, where they never fail to disappoint us over and over again by just distancing themselves away from each other.... with that shy smile..geram..(:<)

#4-- Mamak : eating indian food by the streets, starring at the big screen over football match, pretending that I know anything about football and converse to guy friends about them, catching up about each other's love life.(:P) *Weird that I have not done that in the two weeks I am back..hmmm*

#5-- Stalking friends on friendster, blogs, yahoo photos (facebook doesn't even exist back then:P)

#6-- Pasar Malam: food, food, food , and pirated DVDs of course

#7-- Korean Dramas: cute guys, romantic plots and the dreamy atmosphere where the kisses took place...ahhhh

Weirdly, I didn't do much of it since I am home. All has become too strange for me since being far away from home..old habits were replaced by new ones...still its fun to look back and smile....

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