Monday, July 27, 2009

Fond Memories

What I used to do:

#1-- attending Chinese Orchestra Practices : contributing my "strength" in banging those big drums and timpani, admiring how well we played at several instances ( now listening to the CD my teacher lend me), always guessing our standards and how far we are in National level...hahhaa

#2-- way of Shopping : trying to remember everything I see in one day before buying them, after window shopping, too tired to go back to the place where my noted items lies, go home empty handed, satisfied for not spending money ...( :-D)

#3-- talking Celeb : never miss any entertainment programs from Astro, waiting for that moment where the MC pairs up the most-talk-about couples, where they never fail to disappoint us over and over again by just distancing themselves away from each other.... with that shy smile..geram..(:<)

#4-- Mamak : eating indian food by the streets, starring at the big screen over football match, pretending that I know anything about football and converse to guy friends about them, catching up about each other's love life.(:P) *Weird that I have not done that in the two weeks I am back..hmmm*

#5-- Stalking friends on friendster, blogs, yahoo photos (facebook doesn't even exist back then:P)

#6-- Pasar Malam: food, food, food , and pirated DVDs of course

#7-- Korean Dramas: cute guys, romantic plots and the dreamy atmosphere where the kisses took place...ahhhh

Weirdly, I didn't do much of it since I am home. All has become too strange for me since being far away from home..old habits were replaced by new ones...still its fun to look back and smile....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

and there's only us....

Yasmin Ahmad just passed away yesterday. I have not been following her blog and work like my sister does, but knowing that there's someone working on making Malaysia a better place, I felt safe.

Yes, another death after Michael Jackson, Ming fu...all concern individuals who worked to 'change' the world....Many of my friends shared similar childhood memories like mine where we danced to MJ's music without really knowing the issue he is campainging for-- race, AIDS, Africa nor about his pathetic rumours, and in my case, his gender ( my 5 year-old mind was set to think that girls has long hair, and guys have short hair); Ming fu who died innocently falling off from a government building was a passion young man with visions in Malaysian politics; A friend of mine, upon receiving the text messages of Yasmin's death, ran out from our table in tears. The impact of these people in our hearts is clear, we need them, we want them to do what they do best.

I guess God is constantly trying to remind us how fragile life is, that everyone does have a responsibility for the world we live in. Doesn't mean that one King of Pop is in place, we do not need to work harder to transcend the music industry from Michael Jackson. We wish that there will be always someone out there doing the job of art creation, peace-keeping, conflict resolution for us, but Death comes, and there's only us left to work the rest of the world's problems out, only us.....

Tributes for Yasmin Ahmad

taken from STAR online:

Yasmin Ahmad - a talented storyteller and film director, does not only show her creativity through film making, but in the film making itself, it speaks louder than 10000 written words. I remember watching all her Petronas Ads at one go and couldn't wait for the next Ads whether during Independence day or any other festive seasons - because it never fails to warm my heart with the message of unity, love, and forgiveness. May you rest in Peace Yasmin, even though you have passed on, but your work, what you have left behind will FOREVER be etched in all our hearts. - Elaine Leong

Getting a twitter update in the wee hours of the morning today was definitely heart breaking and devastating. Yasmin Ahmad was more than just an incredible filmaker, she was an inspiring individual not just to me but to everyone out there. This noble lady should be commended on her tremendous effort of producing heart -touching ads which portrays the true Malaysia. She has given us the gift that we will definitely treasure. Rest in peace Yasmin Ahmad, as you never fail to inspire me everyday although being thousands of miles away. - Yuvha Dharshini, Auckland, New Zealand.

Before Sepet came along, I always have this negative feeling about Malaysian made movies. That all change because of Sepet. It made me laugh and cry at the same time, a quality that has been missing from Malaysian movies. Yasmin's theme of 1Malaysia which is only advocated by our prime minister recently has been in her movies and commercials for a long time. Though I may not have known Yasmin Ahmad personally but her personal work (commercials and movies) touched my heart personally, for that I feel like I have lost a friend. If Michael Jackson's passing is wept by the world, I think Yasmin's passing should be wept by all Malaysian regardless of race, religion or ethnic, a true hero of 1Malaysia. A great talent she definitely is. She shall be missed. - CHU SP

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Art Exhibition by Si Jie Loo

My installation blurb for the public:

June 30 - July 7, 2009 - Carson/Novack Carridor.

Through various rites and patterns such as DOC trips, the culture of wearing "flares", the Greek scene, the bonfire and the striving for academic achievement, Dartmouth manages to structure our emotions. This structuring of emotion tends to stifle more impromptu expressions outside these boundaries, because we carefully pick and choose how to express our ourselves to match suit these occasions and everyday rituals. Consequently, we run the risk of forgetting how to express ourselves outside of these boundaries.

In this public art project, I attempt to create a scenario that allows Dartmouth community members to express their hidden emotions. By putting a "Grafitti" wall and a display of "nostalgic" toys in public space, I anticipate the direct interaction between the art and its viewers, with each spectator reacting to what has been expressed before. In this way, one will be able to see how emotions can be experienced, related, and relayed. The public display of art brings people together at a personal level. This project aims to provide a public setting for Dartmouth community to express their private emotions and to recognize, unexpectedly, each other's emotions in a setting where they are customarily hidden within traditions, social patterns, and expectations.