Sunday, October 12, 2008

On the green!

Another two weeks of roller coaster ride

English Writing
We finally finish the whole book. It was a great training to raise questions about the Author's message in his complicated novel that deals with self, immortality, love, being and power. As we are approaching towards writing a paper, I am nervous but as well excited about the whole 'taking-to-the-next-step' . Karen is known for her tough teaching style but I know that she will always be there for us whenever we need her. Right now the class just needs to be less 'showing off' and really learn how to work together, listen and breath together. My teacher assistant, Elma acknowledged some of my ideas in class and that I have to trust my intuition more. 

Political Anthropology
As difficult as the readings go, it is undoubtedly an interesting course. Women, politics, equality and religion have always play a huge roles in our daily lives. Being the only international student in the class, my professor really appreciate my input from my part of the world and continue to encourage me regardless of my insecurity of my argument. Well known for my procrastination, I ought to 'reserve' more time to reflect on the class discussion ( which are posted online). Jump in dive in....

It is totally nonsense to think that I am better because I have taken Spanish before. All language takes time to learn. I realized that it is important for me to stay on the ground and always revise the lesson that I am suppose to prepare before classes. Spanish is always evolving and there are more than 20 countries using it, therefore the vocabulary I am learning now is quite different than before. Welcome to the american version of Spanish. I forgotten to hand in my homework last week. Ooops!

UWC friends
When you are train to think 'internationally', you tend to see things clearer. We ask for more, we wish to see souls instead of one's surface self. I am glad I met more interesting UWC graduates whom some are my classmates. We spent some qualify time together. Unforgettable lunch and dinner conversation, cheers for the Big Green ( Dartmouth soccer team) in a soccer match and dancing together in the lounge...

I am glad my pals are still remembering me. Jose, Tekber, Tenzing, Liu xu have made my day by just being on the other side of the phone. Hope Jose can really make it to Dartmouth during Thanksgiving, then I will be more content. 

new friends- football match
There are social activities like Korean Association , Taiwanese A, Asian A and even Jewish Group where there invite people for free food. As 12s (freshmen), we are lucky enough to have less obligations and could shop around the associations and meet new people. I have made some common friends and friends of friends by just attending those events. We had really cozy bowling night out last Friday in Hanover follow by Korean food buffet where I met more Asians with the same eyes and hair colors. Yeah, I am extending my diversity network.  

social night outs- lone pine, apple zaple, Mate
The latinos always have this social get-together where  you sit around in a circle and drink mate ( their type of tea) from the same cup and same 'metal' straw. Nice to just chill out and play card games, at the meantime listen to a Poem Competition in the Lone Pine ( a bar in the college). The fact that I am in a non-drinking night out is already a bless for me, you really need to dig and think and schedule for this things to happen, therefore it tends to be taken for granted to just go to fraternities and expect drinking party. 

We had mini golf tournament out of I am  as our 'goal' in our hallway and got a warning! 

World Percussion
I am having regular rehearsals on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Hafiz is an extremely talented drummer who is leading the African drumming ensembles. I am really looking forward to our performance in November which incorporate with R&B numbers and songs.

I am currently lying on the middle of the green field and enjoy the last few sunny days before the winter comes. I have to come out more often and exercise!!

1 comment:

Quin 君 said...

Si Jie!!!!!!
Happie to know that you're all well and enjoying Uni! =)

take care alrite!